Friday, August 24, 2012

The Shame Game

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

Those who know me know that I am for the most part a transparent person.  I do not like pretending nor am I able to hide my emotions very well.  As Believers we are created to be clear and openly share our struggles with our brothers and sisters, unfortunately; this does not mean it is easy to do.  My problem is not the allowing myself to be transparent to others, my struggle is more so with the aftermath, the shame of airing my dirty laundry.  This of course is silly and logically I know that but I struggle emotionally with the cloak of shame that enviably lands on me after sharing my struggles with others.   I was starting to feel the weight of that cloak descending on me when God in His awesome unending grace gave me this verse this morning.  When I cast my gaze on our radiant Father and Savior my face will never be covered in shame.  His glorious light does not allow any room for the darkness of shame! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

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