Dear God,
I'm tired, so very tired. Not the kind of tired that will go away with a good night sleep. My soul is so exhausted. It is aching in a way that I cannot describe. I know this is not how it is suppose to be but here I am worn flat out. Right now all I can do is hold on to the truths that You have so graciously planted in my soul. I am so thankful that You will never leave me or forsake me in my weakness. I know that You have water that will allow me never to thirst (John 4:14 - but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst). Lord, you have told me to taste and see You God are good (Psalm 34:8) and that blessed is the one who takes refuge in You (Psalm 34:8). Help me Lord to take refuge in You Lord and only You. For my heart wonders so far so quickly. You have challenged me to tear down my high places in order that I may see you more clearly. Help me Lord. Help me to seek you when I am sad, disappointed, hurt, lonely, and angry. Help me to stay on Your narrow path.
In Jesus name,